Sunday, November 24, 2013

Parlant and Other Difficult Things....

Well, it's been about two weeks that we've been here! I'm beginning to get out of my "mission trip" haze and realize that, I'm not going home for a while.... It's a strange feeling, especially when I've been going on mission trips for the past three years, most of which last two weeks. It's about now we'd be heading home, but obviously, that isn't happening. So I'm working on settling in, getting used to life here, and understanding my surroundings. Needless to say it's not always easy.

We started language classes last week! It's been a fun and challenging experience so far... The word parler (to speak) being one of those challenges as well. It's a difficult word to say, and in many ways my frustration with trying to say it (properly in French, where pronunciation is key!) is embodied by the word itself: to speak. I cannot speak here! Not French anyway. And for those of you who have not been in this sort of situation, trying to learn a foreign language whilst in said foreign country, let me tell you, it is INCREDIBLY frustrating! Simple things become nearly impossible because, well, you can't say what you want to say, and you can't understand the other person when they are trying to talk to you.... You feel like a child again, constantly looking around for help (even when everyone you're with is in the same boat...), and feel quite helpless at times because help cannot be found. But in all of this I am also realizing how reliant I need to be on the Lord. Sure, I can learn a language, but if I am trusting the Lord to help me do it, I will be that much more proficient at it.

The longer we are here, the more I can see my own struggles. It's a daily battle not to take things personally, or start picking at myself for offhanded comments others make. It's interesting how when we are put in situations such as this, and things we barely struggled with before become magnified. I know the Lord is bringing these things into the light so that they can be worked through, with Him. I'm a sensitive person, but man has it been amplified this past week! The Lord is definitely working on this area of my life with me. It's not easy, these things never are, but it's so worth it!

We are continuing in ministry here with Matt and Christy, working with them at Evolution 13, a meeting held every Wednesday night for college age adults. It's been great being able to spend time with local Christians our age, worship with them, and see where their hearts are. I am excited to continue working with Matt and Christy as we continue doing outreaches, and have more ministry opportunities with them! Seeing how things are growing and changing here in Marseille is making me really excited for what the Lord has in store!

Thank you for all your prayers and support! The Lord is doing amazing things here, and I am excited to continue sharing them with you!!

Blessings and Love,
