About Me...

I was called to missions at six years old. It wasn't until nineteen though that I recognized that call on my life, and began taking steps to get where I am now. 

I attended Bethany Global University (Formerly Bethany College of Missions) a Missions training school. I did a thirteen month internship in Marseille, France as part of my training as a missionary. 

God has called me to take the church to where it is not, and I am willing to answer that call wholeheartedly. 

The Lord has given me a deep love for people. I have a big heart, and a very compassionate one. I am not out to shove my beliefs down other people's throats at all. Rather, I am so thankful for the love that God has given me, that it just overflows, and I need to show that love to others. Yes, I am a Christian, and a missionary, and yes, I will share my beliefs with you if you ask, but I do not condemn or hate others that do not know the love of Christ. 

I believe in approaching missions with a healthy respect for the culture, and a desire to learn the customs of the people I'm working with, no matter where I am at. Seeing a person of a different culture and background worshiping Jesus in their own, native way is something that truly brings joy to my heart. 

I believe the Lord has called me to the nations. While I have an idea of where some of those nations are, I'm not certain of all of them, what I do know is that I am following where the Lord leads. 

I am seeking to follow where He calls me, and for the next three years, He has called me to Belfast, Northern Ireland to work with Pastor Johann Vizagie, his wife Andrea, and their church planting team to help plant Every Nation Belfast! I am so excited to join this team of incredible people to share the love of Christ with the Irish people!