Sunday, May 19, 2013

And so we begin...

Well, here we are. I'm getting ready to go to Marseille, France as a missionary intern for 16 months. This is here to keep you all informed, and updated on everything going on. I'll be posting bi-weekly to keep everyone on top of what's going on in my life, and eventually, my time in Marseille, and the ministries we are doing there! 

       So here's the intro to it all: It all began with a call. When I was young, the Lord called me to missions, and through trials, and events in my life that drove me away from that calling, I have found my back here, to Bethany College of Missions. I've spent the last two years learning about theology, worship, spiritual warfare, relating to other cultures, and much, much more! Now it's about that time in the program where I get to put all that I've learned, from the Lord, and my teachers, into practice! I'll be going on my internship to Marseille in September. This summer will be spent preparing, spiritually, as well as fundraising for the money I'm going to need. 

       So join me in this awesome adventure God is taking me on! I'm excited to share all of this with you! Please, keep me in your prayers, and if you'd like to give financially to my trip check out the Ways to Give tab! Thanks for checking things out, God bless!

Love and Blessings,
