Monday, July 8, 2013

We are Never, Ever, EVER Getting Back Together!

So earlier this week I was listening to Taylor Swift (And no, this is not meant to spark some debate of T-Swift haters/lovers, so keep your opinions on her, and her music to yourself...) and the song We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. If you haven't heard the song, let me break it down for you simply: Taylor tells this guy that she's been on and off with, for what seems like quite a long time, that this is it. There's no more, they are DONE. She describes how they are always breaking up, and getting back together, but this time, she's telling him, WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER! She calls up her friend, and tells her how everything went down, and how annoyed she is. Anyway, the title of the song, pretty much explains it all.
Now, there is a point to all of this, so bear with me! I have heard this song probably a hundred times, and at first, I hated it. Then it was always stuck in my head, and then I liked it. Now, I just listen to it if it comes on the radio, but not purposely. But let me tell you, when I heard it the other day, oh man did I need to hear it. Here is the point to my story of this song, and my long story short: We NEED to be saying this to sin! This past Sunday we had an excellent sermon on breaking free of the chains of sin, which is the similar conclusion I came to when listening to this song in a new and different light. Sin, in many ways, is that ex-boyfriend that we are always getting back together with. We know it's bad for us, that the relationship is going NOWHERE good, and we just keep hurting ourselves. But every time we break up, we begin to miss the way it made us feel, the fun we might have had, or the people we participated in it with. Sometimes, sin will entice us back, calling us up to whisper in our ear how much it misses us, how much it wants us back. And we cave, finding ourselves back in that toxic relationship. Oh, we know nothing can come of it, and our friends, even the Holy Spirit, will remind us what we're doing is wrong, but we are stuck in this cycle, when what we need to tell sin is: We are never, ever, EVER getting back together!
Lately, I've been in this particular battle with doubt. Doubting I'm doing the right thing. Doubting that God will do what He said He would, and provide. Doubting I'm making the right decision. And that is exactly what came to mind when I heard that song. I could really feel the Lord changing the words for me in such a way that I needed to realize: I needed to break up with doubt. For good. Later that night, I had my quiet time with Him, and continued that conversation. He showed me what His word said; He reminded me of Abraham. How Abraham's faith was tested when the Lord asked Him to sacrifice Isaac, and Abraham agreed. Without question, he took his son to Mount Moriah, and trusted the Lord would provide. And we all know the story, the Lord provided a sacrifice so that Isaac, Abraham's son, would not have to be sacrificed. Abraham named the place "The LORD Will Provide". Wow. How can we argue with that?
Time and again, the Lord proves Himself faithful, in His word, and in my life. So I knew, I had to break up with doubt. I needed to end it, we were DONE. Since that decision, my life has felt less stressful, worry is gone too! I have had multiple people confirm what the Lord has told me, and I have become so much more confident in not only going to France, but in knowing that the Lord is going to do this Himself, in His timing. At this point, it would be a miracle, but I don't doubt for a second that He will perform one. The Lord has encouraged me with these verses from Romans, and I want to share them with you now,

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future,nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:32,37-39

So if you are struggling with sin, or with doubt, break up with it! Tell it that you are never, ever, EVER getting back together! Through the strength of the Holy Spirit, and the love of Christ, you can do it! When we were adopted into the family of God, we were raised from the dead, and we are no longer bound by the chains of sin, we have been made free in Christ, but we need to make the effort! Faith without works is dead, so know, and trust that where you fall short, God will carry you the rest of the way.

You, my brothers, were called to be free, but do not use your freedom to indulge in sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Galatians 5:13 & 14