Thursday, December 22, 2016

I Said Hey... What's Going On?

Merry Christmas everyone! As always, I hope I find you well! As we're careening towards the end of the year, I just want to keep everyone up to date on what's going on since my past few posts have been more reflective than informational, so let's dive in!

For those of you just joining, let's recap what I'm doing! I am going to Belfast, Northern Ireland, to work with Every Nation Belfast church plant. I got connected with this church plant back when I was serving in Marseille, France as a missionary intern. I am so excited to be serving with such a wonderful, blessed group of people that are wanting to bring the gospel to such a beautiful and rich culture. When I was visiting Belfast two years ago the Lord moved on my heart, and gave me a glimpse into His heart for the Irish people. He has some pretty incredible things in store for His people and I am so excited to be a part of a team that is looking to facilitate what the Holy Spirit is wanting to do.

A lot of people tend to ask me why Europe, or why specifically Belfast? Well, I am happy to answer that question. In fact I have done so before, in an older blog post titled Let's Set the Record Straight on Missions in Europe which I highly encourage you to read if you want a longer answer than the one I'll give here, I also have a tab above labeled Why Belfast?, again, another longer explanation, this one on specifically why I am going to Belfast. But all this to say, I have many reasons why I have a heart for missions in Europe, but I have to say my number one reason is this: This is the place that Jesus has called me, these are the people group that God has given me a heart for, and I long to do the will of God, because I know there is no better place for me to be than in His will.

Of course there are several other reasons why I feel called to Belfast, like the fact that Belfast is currently the city with the highest suicide rate in Europe, or because it is a strong desire of mine to see peace reign in a place that has had so much division, and still does. I could talk about all these things in depth, and would be happy to if you want to grab a coffee sometime and chat about it, but ultimately I have to answer to God, and why I did or didn't do what He asked of me. He has given me the desire to go, a brain, a mouth to speak, hands to write, and ears to hear, so it is up to me to share the vision He has given me, and to go and serve where He has guided me. So this is why I am going, because I see this wonderful, beautiful people in need of a perfect Savior, and I know Him, so I will go and tell of Him.

Now, part of my ability to go relies on financial support from partners, people like you! God has called me to serve, and I am more than willing to go, however this is not a typical "paid position" kind of job, so I have to trust God to provide the right people to be a part of my team. My finances are broken up into two parts: one time and monthly. Monthly is given on a monthly basis to cover living expenses, and one time covers getting me to Belfast, establishing myself there (buying furniture for my apartment, my visa, etc.). So what do these finances provide, and how do I know they're being used properly? Glad you asked! I'm happy to tell you! These finances provide for my living expenses, things like rent, food, transportation, etc. and one time, as I said before, covers airfare, visa, apartment furnishings, etc. How you know it's being used properly is through my sending organization, Bethany Gateways (Formerly Bethany International). All finances are sent to them (which also gives you nice little tax write off!), then each month they give me the money that you've donated. They make sure everything with finances runs smoothly.

As of right now I have about 30% of my monthly budget, and about 50% of my one time giving. So I still have a ways to go with monthly, but I'm getting quite close with my one time (If you would like a detailed breakdown of my budget, feel free to email me, I will gladly connect with you and share more information.). Because of this, I'm really trying to focus on my monthly partnership. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely appreciate any and all financial gifts, and I absolutely want you to give however, and whatever God puts on your heart, so if you feel led to give one time, I will gladly accept those donations! Giving monthly is very easy, and you can give how much or how little you want! If you wanted to give ten dollars a month, for for it, if you wanted to give a thousand, go for it! All donations are welcome! I just ask that you pray about being a monthly partner with me, because every little bit helps. For instructions on how to give monthly, check out the Ways to Give tab above.

More important than anything I need my prayer warrior partners! I need people that are going to intercede for me and my team before and during my time on the field. I know that simply by accepting the call of missionary I am right smack in the middle of a spiritual war zone. One of the most important things that I need is people that are committed to lifting me up in prayer on a regular basis. If this is you, I just ask that you send me a little email, letting me know that you are committing to being one of my prayer warrior partners, so I know that you are out there, praying for me as I walk along this journey. I appreciate you, and the time you take to pray for me more than you know, and I would love to also be praying for you as well. So please, if you are keeping me in your prayers, it will be such an encouragement to me to hear from you!

Okay, so I think that's all my logistical, fun stuff for you! I just want to make sure that everyone who is supporting me, and following my journey is kept up to date as I'm walking along this road, especially now at the end of the year (Which is so crazy, how time flies!). I plan to keep going strong this coming year, and hope to be in Belfast by the end of spring at the very latest! I appreciate you all so much, and I pray that God blesses you now during the Christmas season, and in the new year. Sending you all lots of love, light, and blessings!

Blessings and Love,
