Saturday, August 16, 2014


Bonjour Tout le Monde!!

Hope all is well with you! I wanted to take this particular blog post to share about a very special opportunity I had last week! I was invited to to go to Geneva, Switzerland to work at a day camp for kids called KidsGames! It was an incredible week full of challenges, laughter, and Jesus! So in this post, I will be sharing with you about this incredible experience.

First off, I have to say in the midst of the week and a half I spent with these kids, I would not have said it was incredible. I would probably have said it was awful, miserable, and I wanted to leave. Why? Well it was an incredibly challenging time for me. My language skills were really put to the test, being as most of the kids in my group didn't speak English, the coach (or counselor as we would call them in America) I was working with spoke almost no English... in fact most of the people I was working with didn't speak English. We were with them from morning until night, completely surrounded by French. It was EXHAUSTING! So I have to admit, that while I was going through it, I didn't always have the best attitude. But looking back on it, I am so glad I did it! My language has improved, my fear of speaking French is pretty much gone, and the Lord moved this week in such incredible ways I feel completely blessed to have been there to see and experience it! So now, let's have a run down of a typical day, then I'll share some cool stories!

A typical day began with waking up around 7:15 or 7:30. We'd go eat breakfast, then stand outside in front of our team flag (mine was equipe 17! Woot woot!!) and wait for the kids to arrive. Then around 9:30 or so we'd head into the huge tent where all group activities were held. There would be singing, storytelling, announcements, etc., then snack, mid morning activity, lunch, then afternoon activities which could consist of tchukball (a very fun game to watch, but hard to explain in the written word!), kinball(another fun but hard to explain game!), stilts, planting herbs, making flower arrangements, or slacklining. In the evening, around 5:30 or 6 the kids would head home, and we'd have a debrief meeting. After that was dinner, then "tent time" where we would have worship, prayer, and sharing from guest speakers. It was an incredible time that the Lord used to speak to all of us, and really move on the hearts of the young people we were working with. See, most of the coaches we were working with were no older than 18, and a large percentage of them were not saved either. So it was cool to see how the Lord would move in the morning, with the kids, then in the evening with the teens!

So, story! There's one that I really want to share. It really blessed me, and I hope it blesses you as well. There was a little boy in my group. He was the youngest and smallest. He was sweet, but a little wild. He had blond hair, glasses, and a big smile. He was just so precious, and loved to talk! One morning we had a time for the kids to come forward and talk with some of the spiritual leaders that were in leadership over the camp. They could ask questions, or pray with them if they like (Many of the children were not coming from Christian homes). So this little boy, Florian, went to the front. He went and talked with Alex, a man who had become a good friend of mine during the week. I watched as Florian spoke with Alex, and Alex prayed for Florian. Florian began to cry, softly, and prayed as well. I didn't know if I should go up and help, and when Alex had moved on to working with another child, but Florian stayed there, tears silently falling down his small ruddy cheeks, I went up. I tried to talk to him, but Alex stopped me, "No," he said to me, "He's having a moment with the Lord." So I nodded silently and just held little Florian's hand in mine. I prayed, that Jesus would move in this child's life, that He would continue to move on Florian's heart. After a few minutes I was pulled away to pray with a girl who only spoke English. I was blessed to be able to pray with her, and tell her that she could talk to Jesus whenever she wanted, because He was always with her. After I was done praying with her, we had snack time. I went outside with my group, and Florian was sitting in the grass quietly, a small smile on his face. I smiled at him, and picked him up. "How are you?" I asked him, but he didn't reply. "Are you okay?" I asked, and still he didn't answer. This was strange, he was usually very talkative. Suddenly he laid his head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "God is in me." I smiled, "Really?" I replied softly. He nodded, "Yes." and I said, "That's true. He's in me too." he lifted his head, looked at me, smiled, and nodded. I smiled back and twirled him around. My heart was so lifted by this moment, knowing that even if I couldn't communicate perfectly, and I couldn't be the perfect coach, the Lord could still use me.

So I think I've regaled you long enough with stories of camp, and how difficult and wonderful it was! I wouldn't have traded this experience for the world (even the cold that came after)! I loved being able to meet so many amazing people, and work with some pretty incredible kids. My heart was so blessed during this week, and I am truly fortunate to have been able to go!

Okay, so just a quick update on newsworthy things! Only four more months of internship! WOW! Time has flown by! I am excited, but sad all at the same time! The end of September my mom is coming to visit, which I am completely excited for! The end of October I am making plans for a survey trip to Belfast, Ireland! This is a trip to learn more about church planting, get ideas for how church planting works in a different context, etc. I am really excited for this trip, and can't wait to head over there, learn more about what God's doing, and how I can use what I learn there back here in Marseille. After that trip I'll be coming back to get ready to head back to the states on December 15th! So time is flying, but hopefully not too fast! Thank you all for your continued love, prayer, and support! It means the world to me!

Blessings and Love,
Florian and I!



Flower Arrangements!

Equipe 17!