Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Power of Prayer

Salut Tout le Monde!

I apologize for not having written in a while, things have been a bit hectic lately! So this month I really wanted to touch on a subject that's very important to me, and I think that it's very important for all missionaries: Prayer. It is really important that not only are we cultivating a strong, healthy prayer life, but also that our supporters are also supporting us with prayer. This is something that I've been thinking a lot about lately because I have definitely have been experiencing some difficulties lately, and I thought it would be a good idea to discuss prayer specifically this month.

I know, some of you may not believe in these things, or may have differing theological views on what I'm going to be saying here, but I'm going to say it anyway. We may differ on some views, but we are all part of the body of Christ, so bear with me. I believe that in being here in France, as a missionary, trying to share Jesus, and love others as He has called me to I am in the middle of a battleground. While Jesus is the light, that shines through me, there is a darkness that we are fighting here. The powers and principalities of this world that Paul talks about in Ephesians 6 are at war with what we are trying to do here. That being said, they are none to happy with us being here, and are going to try attacking us in any way they can. This is one of the reasons it is important for me to be spending time with Jesus, reading God's word, and cultivating a deep relationship with Him, so I can fight back the enemy. But there is another aspect to this. This is where you come in, and why I'm sharing on this subject with you, I need my family and friends to be coming alongside me in prayer. There is power in numbers, we know this in a physical battle, and the same goes in a spiritual battle as well. Sure, I can fight my enemies alone, or even with just the people on my team here, but how much stronger are we when we're fighting together, from all over the world? Much, much stronger.

Now here is thing: this past month has been one of the hardest yet. I've felt attacked spiritually, and it's been extremely hard to get back on my feet. I've been doing my best to fight, and ask others to fight alongside me, but now I'm asking you. Please, please, commit to praying for me. Commit to praying for our team. commit to praying for what God is doing in Marseille. I have seen so much progression here, people getting baptized, and starting a new, deep relationship with the Lord, people in leadership classes, learning all they can about sharing their faith with others in an effective, loving way with those around them. People have been healed, freed, and I've been able to deepen my relationships with people, even helping to disciple others. God is moving in a big way here, and the darkness that is here, does not like it. At all. So the darkness has been pushing back, and I have been feeling it. So once again, I ask, please continue to pray, to intercede for us. You are our family on the other side of the world, you are standing with us against the darkness in this place. You are just as vital and important to this team as I am. I love you all very much, and appreciate all your support so far. Thank you, and remember, you are part of my team, I love and appreciate you more than you know!

Blessings and Love,
