Hello everyone! I hope that I find you well this fine March! Firstly, a little update on life. I've just recently returned from a short (not really... not short at all...) trip to Florida. I was able to go for the wedding of a dear friend, and I'm so glad that I could make it to the beautiful celebration! I also went to get things a bit more in order for my imminent departure. Now, I'm still a ways off, but I'm certainly closer, so I wanted to make sure all my things were packed and ready to be shipped when I'm ready to ship them, which made things feel a bit more real, and a bit more exciting!
I just want to give a side note, I have about 28.4% of my monthly actually pledged. What this means, is that I have had people sign up, and start giving monthly, and this accounts for that 28.4%. I have had verbal promises of 24% more of that. So, to those that have promised, thank you! But until those promises have been entered into the system, those promised amounts cannot officially be counted. I just wanted to clarify all of this, so that everyone is on the same page about everything. Also, when you start giving before I leave, it goes into my set up budget, so it isn't as though it just disappears or just sits there, it goes into the monies I will use for my visa, plane tickets, setting up my apartment, etc. Now if any of this is confusing, or you would like clarification on any of it, feel free to email, message, txt, call, send smoke signals. I will get back to you as soon as possible!
So, I'm at 52% of my monthly budget! This is very exciting! I still have a little ways to go, but please be praying as I may have some potential opportunities coming up very soon to share with possible financial partners. I am so excited to share the vision and the heart that I have for my time in Belfast! Speaking of, I wanted to take a little bit of this post to share what exactly it is I'm planning to do in Belfast. I recently had the pleasure of talking with my Belfast family (as I have lovingly begun calling them, because they will be my family over there, and I am so looking forward to joining them! I don't think they know I started calling them that, but now they do!) and discussing a bit about what my roles will be, and what I will be focusing on. Many of you have asked, "What are you going to be doing over there?" and I vaguely reply "I'm working with a church plant." Well, there is a reason my reply is sometimes so vague... Mostly because when you are working with a church plant you have so many roles, you cannot begin to possibly go into it... Some days you'll be leading worship, others leading children's ministry, another day you're doing admin, it can get pretty hectic. But recently we were able to discuss a bit more about what roles I should be focusing on, in other words, I'll be doing lots of things, but these are the ministries I'll be focusing on.
- First, I'll be focusing on youth ministry. This is huge for me, because I never thought I would really have a heart for youth ministry. But recently, I believe in preparation for this moment, God has opened my heart to reaching out to youth. I also believe, and have been told, that my testimony of deliverance from depression and self-harm will be an asset in working with the youth in Belfast as there are so many that are struggling with similar issues.
- Second I'll be helping with children's ministry, this is a place my heart has always been, so I am looking forward to helping out with the little ones!
- Third, I will be helping out with worship. This is something I am so looking forward to. Worship is such a big part of my life, as I am musically inclined. It is something that I very much look forward to, in growing and expanding my abilities and giftings in worship ministry.
- Fourth will be helping with the campus ministry we have as well. I'm looking forward to being a part of this ministry, and being able to build relationships and disciple the college age students that are getting involved at our church.
So, I'm sure you might be wondering about the title of the blog at this point, and I will try to make it quick, as I did not want this post to run too long... So recently I have been listening to Kari Jobe's new album, The Garden (oh my goodness, please go listen to it if you haven't already, it's such a great album!). From the first moment I played the first song I felt so encouraged. I felt the Lord's presence in such a way that I have not felt for so long. It was so fitting for me, in so many ways. I felt like the Lord was breathing me back to life. The first song on the album speaks of the garden that brings hope as hope springs forth again, and I couldn't help but be reminded of Aslan in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. This was one of my favorite books growing up, and I can't help but tear up when I think about the beauty of the allegory of God's love, the sacrifice of Christ, and the triumphant resurrection of our Savior painted in the beautiful words of C.S. Lewis, a man who hailed from Belfast no less. The past several months I had ben clinging to my faith, in God, in His calling, in His love for me. As the beginning of the song states, "I had all but given up"... But so much hope has come, and as it is officially spring, how fitting that this season of my life fits the season we are currently experiencing. Everyday since has been a reminder, that I have hope, that God has called me, that He loves me, and He is working all things together for good. I feel as though, in my life, Aslan is on the move... "Faith is rising...Hope is stirring... Making all things right." I have so much peace, hope and joy. I feel like God has breathed life back into me, and how incredibly fitting is it all? God is speaking, He has given me so much, and I will not forget, I will remember, and I will cling to His promises.
I hope that this post has encouraged you! I certainly feel so encouraged! I am so thankful for all of you that are praying for me, supporting me, and cheering me on! Please continue to pray and encourage, we are almost there, over halfway, and the best is yet to come!
Blessings and Love,