As I've mentioned before, I'm currently residing in New York with my sister, brother-in-law, and my beautiful baby niece, Selah, who is getting bigger every day! As my sister and I get into a routine of putting her to bed we've found that there is one song that seems to put her right to sleep, it's a song that I've sang many times, but until I sang it one night, my sister hadn't heard it before. The name of my niece's "lullaby" is How Deep the Father's Love for Us. Now just in case you, like my sister was, are unfamiliar with the song, here are the lyrics:
"How deep the Father's love for usHow vast beyond all measureThat He should give His only SonTo make a wretch His treasureHow great the pain of searing lossThe Father turns His face awayAs wounds which mar the Chosen OneBring many sons to glory
Behold the man upon a crossMy sin upon His shouldersAshamed, I hear my mocking voiceCall out among the scoffersIt was my sin that held Him thereUntil it was accomplishedHis dying breath has brought me lifeI know that it is finished
When I was at my lowest, this song brought me back. This song that I "randomly" (There are no coincidences in things like this in the Kingdom of God) remembered one night while we were trying to sing my niece to sleep brought tears to my eyes and began to heal the brokenness in my heart.
I will not boast in anythingNo gifts, no power, no wisdomBut I will boast in Jesus ChristHis death and resurrectionWhy should I gain from His reward?I cannot give an answerBut this I know with all my heartHis wounds have paid my ransomWhy should I gain from His reward?I cannot give an answerBut this I know with all my heartHis wounds have paid my ransom"
This song touched me in a depth that I needed, as I sang the words I felt the healing balm only the blood of Christ can provide. And as I sang the same song, over, and over during the next several nights I felt more and more healing. I can't describe it, I almost don't understand it other than the words opened a door that had been locked until that point where I needed to let Jesus in and clean it out.
The lyrics of this song are truly powerful. When I think about the sacrifice, not only of Christ, but that God the Father made, it makes me realize how loved I am. When I was singing this song, I truly was feeling like a wretch. I was not feeling so great about myself, ungrateful, selfish, all because I was letting the difficulties of being a missionary support raising get to me. But the sacrifice God had to endure, as he had to turn His face from Jesus, was so much greater, and all so that He could adopt me. So that He would never be separated from me gain, even in my selfish, ungrateful, sin. Even before I had accepted His grace, even after, God made this sacrifice because, my Daddy, He loves me. And I was sitting there, singing to my niece about our God, about our Daddy that loves us so much, I almost lost it, because I realized that even though my imperfect earthly father was gone, and I could no longer hear him say that he loved me too, I have a Heavenly Father that loves me even more. I know that even though I miss my dad, so much, everyday, I have a Father that is still here, with me, still loving me, still sad when I'm sad, still excited when I get excited.
Then I think about how it is my actions, my choices that caused the need for the sacrifice. I may be a missionary, I may have decided to devote my life to serving God in ministry, but that does not mean in any way that I don't sin. And at that point, I had sinned plenty. My thoughts had become so self-centered, so selfish, so caught up in my lack, that I was missing the whole point of my career choice, the whole point of my entire life: the cross. Ashamed, I heard my mocking voice calling out. But I know, I don't have to wallow in that. I don't have to beat myself up over my actions, because as He died, I received life. I know that it is finished.
Finally, I cannot boast in anything. I'm not perfect, I'm not even close. Nothing that I do that is right is by my own strength, because when I'm operating in my own strength, I am a weak and useless thing. On my own I am about as ineffective as a plastic tree is at providing oxygen. But when I am in Christ, when I am trusting in Him, believing in Him, letting Him use me, even if everything looks bad, I'm in the best place I can be. Why He chose me, why He is sending me, I cannot even begin to fathom, but I know that He did. I know that I am His, and I am forgiven. I know that He is sending me, that He has a purpose for my life, and I know that I need to see this life through. I need to live my life everyday, walking the path He has set before me.
I say all this, not to have some sort of false humility, or to make you feel sorry for me in any way. I say this because this is my walk with God. It's not a simple cut and dry straight arrow. I say this because I want to be transparent and honest with the people who are supporting me, and praying for me. God hears your prayers, and I am certainly grateful for your support. This is not an easy time in my life by any means, but I have heard so many great words about that recently. Some of our best moments come from the desert. This year has been one massive desert for me, if I'm being honest. I look back at this year (Because yes, December is upon us!), and I realized that in this year, I started support raising, my dad passed away, and I (sort of) moved to New York. It's been one doozy of a year, and as I said, much of it has been a desert for me, but by the grace of God I am still standing. I think about what the word says,
"We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies."
2 Corinthians 4:8-10 (ESV)
So take this with you, remember this: all these things the Lord has done for me, He will do for you and more, because He loves us. He is here, now, and He loves you. The sacrifice, the pain, the death, and the resurrection were all for you. Remember that.
Blessings and Love,